When I was small, I saw a lot of happiest playing harps in concert, and the sound was beautiful, which was intriguing to me as I was small, so I asked my mom if I could play the harp. My mom said no at first due to my age, but I didn’t just give up this thought. So I kept asking my mom the same question, and then, one day, my mom finally said yes. But she said I have to start with piano to be more determined and start harp easier. The harp is a difficult instrument. I really liked it at the beginning, not knowing that it would hurt a lot. However, as I got older and things got harder, I got a bit frustrated, but that didn’t stop me; I thought of how complex the chance was to start to play the harp and all my achievements, which made me keep going. Now, I enjoy playing harp more and more and having a positive attitude toward practicing harp; I can be more efficient in my career.